Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Starting and Finishing (As in, Finally Finishing Something)

Hello everyone!

Its been two years, and I'm proud to say I've finally finished this book. 



I've had this book for so long that the cover art has changed multiple times, a mini-series was developed, and five more books were added to the series. 

I'm a fast reader. I always have been, once finishing the fourth Harry Potter book in one afternoon, sitting on the beach. The White Queen is not nearly as large (a meager 529 pages), but something about this novel just screamed, "You will never finish". 

And I wanted to, I really did! I bought the book at a local bookstore after a suggestion from this video by AllThatGlitters21, or Elle. She was (and still is) one of my favorite YouTubers, and loving the idea of this book, I quickly picked it up. 

I remember getting though the first half no problem, able to follow the story and the loads of characters Phillipa Gregory threw at me. But then summer was over, and then I started homework, and soon enough, the book was put back on my shelf, back on my "To-Read" pile.

Once the next summer rolled around, I had forgotten most of what I had read, so it was back to square one, and I once again was back in the vicious cycle.

But, finally, after many self-talks and many more broken promises, I sat down this morning and finished the darn book.

And I loved it, a lot.

Phillipa Gregory's writing is wonderful, and she tells a story, but I was more than being happy finishing the book. I was also thrilled to have started something and actually finished it. 

Is there a better feeling in the entire world? (Answer: no, there isn't.)

Emily xx

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Starting Over (Whatever That May Mean)

Well hello, everyone!

I love summer, for a variety of reasons, but the most prevalent being the whole idea of starting over. A break from school, warmer weather, and endless days spent relaxing have such an appeal, so much so that people re-create themselves during these few months. I must admit that I'd love to follow that trend, by starting over with blogging.

Last summer, I was given the wonderful opportunity to spend three weeks in overseas with some cousins, and I promised to document my three-week adventure in Europe. It was a wonderful trip, and I had the opportunity to see and experience places and cultures from a point of view of a native. Long story short, I lived with my family overseas and had a blast.

Although I promised myself to blog religiously, I only managed around 3-4 entries before losing motivation. I thought that I'd begin again once January rolled around, but then January came and went, and there I was, still wanting but not doing.

I like to think that the combination of new found motivation and summer is the perfect opportunity to re-do. Hopefully I'll keep up my interest and motivation, because I truly enjoy posting my thoughts, interests, inspirations, and ideas for the world to see.

On this blog, you can expect fashion and style, music, book reviews, travel blogs, and a little bit of makeup advice. I am by no means whatsoever a professional, seeing as I'm only 17. I just love to write and I love talking about the things I love, so what a better way to combine the two?

I hope you're as excited as I am!

Emily xx

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Daily Schedule

So remember that schedule thing I was talking about earlier? Well, I made one, and I guess I'll post it now. Right here, right now.  
*cue cheers* 


The official MademoiselleBelle schedule (for the time being) is as follows:

Monday- Review Day! Products, Films, Books, etc.

Tuesday- Favorite Past, Present, and Future Fashion Trends

Wednesday- Spotlight on a Fashion Designer

Thursday- Rest 

Friday- Rest

Saturday- Outfit of the Day 

Sunday- Rest

All that being said, I've decided to not start posting until January. That will give me time to finish any other projects I have going on, as well as formulate blog posts. 
Hip, hip, hooray!

Emily xxx 

Monday, September 2, 2013

New Look

I get it...I'm pretty much the worst ever at keeping promises, at least when it comes to blogging. My last post (titled Post of Shame) was basically me apologizing for abandoning this blog. It had been my little summer project for when I traveled abroad, and when I came home, my priority list shifted. You're probably not interested in listening to me ramble apologies, so I'll keep it short and sweet:
I'm sorry.
Moving on....

I've decided that this blog is going in a new direction: a fashion and style path. It's something I love and am very passionate about (if you are unsure, than ask me about the 902 page September edition of Vogue I recently purchased). Looking ahead to college, my mind goes blank and honestly, I am filled with apprehension. My parents assure me that I'll eventually figure it out, and I believe that this blog might be a good start.

Fashion Journalism is a possible career that may be interesting to me, and what better way than to run a blog? Of course, this means updating frequently and reliably, which poses as a bit of a challenge for me. If my focus and will are strong enough, than I can (hopefully) make this a reality.

What To Expect on My New Blog Format

  • My views on current, past, and future trends
  • Thoughts from yours truly on my favorite show, Project Runway (expect this every Friday)
  • Spotlight on favorite fashion designers
  • Book/film reviews
  • My own personal style (pictures included!!)
  • Hauls and/or product reviews
  • A little bit on the extensive travel I do (which will be mostly thoughts written in the back of my mini van-I know, how glamorous) 
I like to think of this blog as a YouTube channel without the posted videos. If that makes any sense at all...

So that's all for now folks. I'll extend my semi-hiatus to the end of this week, so I can have some extra time to figure out a format and ideas for posts. In my next post, I'll put up a schedule which will explain everything I've missed today. 

Until then, allons-y! 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Post of Shame

*Hangs Head in Embarrassment*
Before I begin, I would like to offer my sincerest apologies.
Sorry about the lack of updates. 

When I made this, I made a promise to myself that I would continue to update regularly, and well...you know how good I am at keeping promises. 
Its been what, a week? A week and a half? Maybe longer????

If I had the time and subject material, I would love to update everyday. But, faithful readers, why can't Emily update everyday? Sadly, poor little Emily has to start her most stressful year of school as of yet this Wednesday, and seeing as Junior year counts most toward college applications, it is high time she turned her priorities elsewhere.

Who am I kidding? I wish I could update everyday, like those really serious and intense bloggers, but then again, blogging is kind of their job...and I am unemployed. 

But all ridiculous excuses and puns aside, what shall I blog about? My exchange/trip ends on Wednesday, and now I feel almost obligated to keep this little project going. Should I write about what interests me? What interests me again? Oh yeah, I wrote about it here

But then again, I could just guess to wait and see what the future holds. 

Y'all take care now,
Emily xxx

Monday, July 29, 2013

Now What?

21 days,
8294+ miles,
4 countries,
2 hotels, 
countless sets of stairs and faces,
1 girl.

All of this leaves a single, haunting, question. 
Now what?

Of course, the answer is obvious--life. Life will go on, weather you want it to or not. 

Don't think my journey is over, because it's not. Far from it, in fact. 
If you're someone (like my #1 fan) who is still reading this, and is still interested in my daily happenings, then I suppose this blog will turn into something of an everything blog. 

But now, let's focus on America. Ah, America. The land of the free, the home of the brave. During my cousin's stay in our great nation we will certainly be busy. Tomorrow we head to Louisville for some underground zip-lining, and on Wednesday it's off to Florida at 3 am for a restful getaway on the Atlantic Coast. We managed to squeeze in a day at Disney, in order to garner the full experience. After Florida, Atlanta, and after Atlanta, Chicago. 

This post has been a random mishmash of my thoughts, plans, and ideas. 

See you in Florida? 

Emily xxx

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Two days ago I went on my last city day trip. This made me both happy and sad, to be completly honest. Happy, because Brugge is an absolutely gorgeous city, Andreas, because I'm leaving à country (and continent) that I have fallen head over heels in love with over these past 3 weeks. 

Sentimental ooey-gooey fluff pushed aside, I will now enlighten you faithful readers on the breathtaking city of Brugge. 

They say Brugge is the Venice of Western Europe. I have never been to Venice, or Italy for that matter, but it is without a doubt the prettiest town I've visited. Sorry Antwerp, you were lovely, but.....

We started the day by taking an early train. It was not just Emma and I this time, because we were joined by another cousin. The three of us spent an enjoyable day wandering through the various streets, oogling and the mountains of delicious chocolate and piles of delicate lace. 

After a "traditional" lunch of Belgian fries, we took a relaxing boat tour through the city's canals. 

Once the trip was over, it was back to more wandering. I love wandering, so what we did settled just right with me. 

If nothing else, this trip has tought me to experiment, to try new things, to be a part of a culture not my own. I've learned so much in a short amount of time, not only about others, but about myself as well. 

Tomorrow, Emma and I will be departing from Brussels to go back to the states. I've had the time of my life, and I can't wait for our adventure to continue.

See y'all  in America, 
Emily xxx